If for us, sleighs can only be pulled by dogs, in the Scandinavian tradition, they can also be pulled by horses. Except that there are no sledges here, as it is the skiers who are pulled by horses.

This experience is perfect for those who are a little afraid horses as you don’t ride one, but stay behind it. All the anxiety around horses disappears and it is also a good way for a first encounter.
There is nothing difficult about ski-joëring, even if an instructor can be next to you for a first time or beginning. After some practical advice on how to position yourself well behind the horse or how to guide it, you can finally indulge in the pleasure of guiding your horse.
Of course it’s bast to have some basic skiing skills, because knowing how to glide on the snow remains essential.It takes a few minutes to manage both traction and steering, but then you get used to it quickly.
In the Upper Breda valley, ski-joering is a real adventure and here yes, it is better to know how to ski. The ski-joëring tours are done in a totally natural area and not on a prepared track. So, it is up to you whether you want to go on paths in the middle of the forest or in the powdered snow fields. The feeling of freedom is guaranteed.